
Why Use Contextional?

Short answer

  • fast and easy to use
  • works with unittest, unittest2, nose, and pytest
  • deterministic fixture and test order without being tied to a class
  • might significantly improve functional test suite run time
  • much better test output organization and readability (doesn’t even need to be used for functional tests)

Long answer

If you use the standard unittest/unittest2 libraries to write functional tests, you’re likely to have a very complicated test suite, as the only thing you should have in each test method should be a single assert, your test classes should each only pertain to one specific scenario, and the setups and teardowns for each test class should be completely isolated from and independant of all the other test classes.

The more complex the thing you’re testing is, the more scenarios you’ll have to cover, which means more test classes that you’ll have to write. A properly made functional test suite for a decently complex product can easily take a very long time to run, as each test class will have to run every bit of setup required for it to run and then completely tear it all down once it’s finished running all its tests.

It’s not a best practice to have a test class try and rely on any previously run classes when writing tests in the traditional fashion, as the order they run in isn’t deterministic.

That’s where Contextional comes in.

Contextional uses a combination of with statements and decorators to let you quickly and easily define fixtures and tests with easy-to-read descriptions for each context and test. This is done to make sure each fixture and test happens in a logical and deterministic order and that the test output is organized and more idiomatic.


You can install Contextional through pip with:

$ pip install contextional

Quick Example


from contextional import GroupContextManager as GCM

with GCM("Main Group") as MG:

    def setUp():
        GCM.value = 1

    @GCM.add_test("value is 1")
    def test(case):
        case.assertEqual(GCM.value, 1)

    with GCM.add_group("Child Group"):

        def setUp():
            GCM.value += 1

        @GCM.add_test("value is now 2")
        def test(case):
            case.assertEqual(GCM.value, 2)


Test output:

Main Group
  value is 1 ... ok
  Child Group
    value is now 2 ... ok